1990-1996 | Misc fun with C64 and Amiga... |
1999-2000 | Bingo Attack (free pc game) Play on the web! |
2000 | Nerdified (Music Album) first released on mp3.com under the name teadrinker |
2000-2001 | tone softspoken (Band/Music EP) |
2001-2004 | Idol FX (Game Studio) initially coded the game Imp, later mostly worked on the in-house 3D game engine.
2003-2004 | TenstaKollektivet (Art collective), a few short films and music videos. |
2005- | XLN Audio (Music software developer) Built the cross-platform GUI-System for Addictive Drums 1.0, and was after that employed as the only in-house developer the initial years. Later worked on systems design and DSP for all coming products, and also had (shared) product design lead roles for Addictive Keys and Addictive Drums 2.
2009- | Mad Tea Lab (realtime coding environment) and blog |
2015- | Space Plunge (VR) Founder and a bit of everything on Art Plunge |